Almost no one questions the usefulness and necessity of many CRM systems. At least, many organizations make the decision to purchase a CRM system. But the actual use of the systems often fails to live up to expectations. Why is that?

Why a CRM is purchased

The reasons why companies purchase a CRM system vary. Sometimes, the purchase is made for practical reasons: it would be great if all contact information for our business contacts could be maintained in one place. This is useful when sending out mailings. More often the reason is strategic: we want insight into our pipeline and into the revenue forecast. As management, we want an attractive dashboard that we can use to help us steer.

Why CRM system implementations fail

There are several reasons why CRM implementations fail. But there is one abundantly clear cause: the system must be maintained by users who have little or no advantage of the results. After all, what use does a sales rep have for one central system in which all business contact information is stored? And what does it matter to a sales rep that his or her management can see precisely what and when he or she is planning to sell something?

How the implementation of a CRM system can be successful

Rather than approaching a CRM implementation solely from the top down, it is essential that you also think from the bottom up. By this I mean that it is important to reason based on the interests of the user. Only if the user grasps the usefulness of CRM in their daily work will he or she then continue to use the system consistently, which will result in the management information being compiled automatically. That is also how management will realize its objectives with CRM.

When is CRM useful to the end user?

CRM is only useful to the end user if it enables him or her to improve, speed up, or simplify his or her daily process. Sofon Guided Selling is geared towards doing just that. Not only in the registration of contact information, activities and opportunities, but in particular in the generation of correct quotations in the least amount of time possible. This offers the users actual benefit and will also encourage him or her to use the CRM system. This ensures the management will be provided with all required information, and in turn ensures a successful CRM implementation!